CMBC is upgrading our MRI and will have a mobile unit in our parking lot starting in August. Thank you for your patience during construction.

National Resources

A variety of national websites with information and resources are available to patients, family members and health care professionals who are interested in breast health awareness or dealing with breast cancer. Below is a list of national resources followed by a list of government agencies, each with links to additional information:

American Cancer Society (ACS): Breast Cancer
A nationwide non-profit health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem. A leading resource on cancer, the ACS provides information to the community to take steps to prevent cancer or find it at its earliest, most treatable stage; guides patients, loved ones or caregivers through every step of a cancer experience; funds and conducts research to help better understand, prevent, and cure cancer; and works with lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and rally communities worldwide to join the fight. The link above connects to the ACS website section about breast cancer.

American College of Radiology
A professional medical organization dedicated to being the premier source of information on radiology and nuclear medicine.
A non-profit organization dedicated to providing information about breast cancer and breast health as well as an active and supportive online community.

Cancer Buddies Network
A network to bring people together from all walks of life for cancer support and friendship.

Cancer Survivors Online
A website designed for cancer patients, families, friends, and the professionals who treat them offering cancer information, resources, and support. The site is created and maintained by cancer survivors willing to share their knowledge and experiences.

Celebrating Life
One of the leading foundations in the nation that promotes breast cancer awareness specifically targeting African American women and women of color.

Keep A Breast Foundation
The Keep A Breast Foundation is a leading youth-focused, global, non-profit breast cancer foundation. Their mission is to eradicate breast cancer for future generations by providing support programs for young people impacted by cancer and by educating people about prevention, early detection and cancer-causing toxins in the environment.

Mammography Saves Lives
The American College of Radiology provides this website to patients as a general information resource on breast imaging.

National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
A collaboration of national public service organizations, professional medical associations, and government agencies working together to promote breast cancer awareness, share information on the disease, and provide greater access to services.

National Breast Cancer Foundation
A foundation whose mission is to save lives through early breast cancer detection and to provide mammograms for those in need.

National Consortium of Breast Centers
An organization of breast professionals, breast centers, providers of services to care providers and corporations that supply equipment and pharmaceuticals to care providers.

Susan G. Komen for the Cure
A leader of the breast cancer movement and the world’s largest grassroots network of breast cancer survivors and activists. The organization’s goal is to save lives, empower people, ensure quality care for all and energize science to find the cure for breast cancer.

Government Agencies

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Breast Cancer

National Cancer Institute: Breast Cancer

National Cancer Institute: Breast Cancer Prevention

National Institutes of Health: Breast Cancer


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