CMBC is upgrading the MRI. A mobile unit is in the parking lot. Thank you for your patience during construction.

Are You a Grateful Patient?

It matters that you get screened early and often.
It matters that others do too.

If you are grateful for the care you received from the Carol Milgard Breast Center, consider helping a medically underserved patient get a mammogram. Your gift matters.

Melody had not had a mammogram in several years even though she had a family history of cancer. Her finances were tight, so she researched clinics that might offer low-cost or no-cost mammograms. She found the Carol Milgard Breast Center. Melody’s decision to get a mammogram led to the early diagnosis and treatment of her breast cancer. And there are many more women just like Melody in our community.

Did you know that approximately one in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime? Women whose breast cancer is caught at an early stage have over a 93% survival rate. So it’s imperative that all women 40 and older get yearly mammograms to ensure the earliest possible detection of breast cancer.

Some Women Can’t Afford Mammograms

Most insured women age 40 and older get an annual mammogram, but women who are uninsured or underinsured often cannot afford them. They find they must choose between competing expenses, such as a child’s needs for clothing or medical care. As a result, they put off getting a mammogram.

Breast Health Services for All Women

As a non-profit organization, the Carol Milgard Breast Center exists to provide breast health services to all women in our community. To ensure that all women have better access to potentially life-saving mammography services, we look for support from individuals and community partners to help us fund outreach efforts and screening mammograms.

The Gift of Gratitude

Our Grateful Patient Program gives patients an opportunity to show their appreciation for services they receive from the Carol Milgard Breast Center by helping to fund screening mammograms for medically underserved women in our community. Your contribution will help encourage underserved women to come to the breast center without financial worries – which are often a barrier to those who don’t get the potentially life-saving mammograms.

Your support of the Grateful Patient Program will mean improving access to the best possible mammography screening and diagnostic services for women like Melody.

All funds donated to the non-profit Carol Milgard Breast Center are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. If you would like to donate to our Grateful Patient Program, please donate online or contact Barb Fox at

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