CMBC closed for Labor Day 8/31-9/2. CMBC is upgrading the MRI. A mobile unit is in the parking lot. Thank you for your patience during construction.


We are pleased to offer 3D mammography. Visit 3D Mammography to learn more about this groundbreaking technology.

It Matters That You Are Regularly Screened

Mammograms are an essential step in caring for women’s health. The Carol Milgard Breast Center and TRA Medical Imaging advise women to get screening mammograms every year starting at age 40. All women are at risk for breast cancer, regardless of symptoms or family history.

Mammograms can detect potential problems often before they can be felt. This early detection greatly increases treatment options and the likelihood of successful recovery. If you are symptomatic – experiencing unusual breast pain, skin or nipple changes (including nipple discharge), find a lump or feel changes in an existing lump – please contact your health care provider. You may need to be referred for a diagnostic mammogram.

What is a Mammogram?

A mammogram is an x-ray examination of the breast used to detect abnormalities or changes in the breast. Mammography is a very safe procedure that uses low doses of radiation to produce high-quality images. Digital mammography, which is used at the Carol Milgard Breast Center, offers quick results and greater accuracy. Learn more here about our new 3D digital mammography technology.




It Matters Who Reads Your Results

Board-certified radiologists who specialize in breast imaging have a higher likelihood of detecting potential problems early on. At the Carol Milgard Breast Center, our specialized physicians and technologists focus solely on breast imaging and diagnostics. All mammograms at the breast center are performed in private suites by female technologists.

Expert Care in a Comforting Atmosphere

While you are at the Carol Milgard Breast Center, you will experience a safe, comfortable and respectful environment with soft plush robes, private lockers, and a soothing setting. This comforting atmosphere will not only pamper you, but will help to lessen any anxiety you might have about your exam and results. Read more about the Carol Milgard Breast Center Advantage.

If An Abnormality is Spotted

If an abnormality is found in a mammogram, it does not necessarily mean you have cancer. News of an abnormal result could make anyone anxious. On average, only three to four mammograms per 1,000 lead to a cancer diagnosis. Irregularities in breast tissue require careful study. More mammographic views and other diagnostic techniques such as breast ultrasound, image-guided biopsy, or breast MRI can help detect the presence of breast cancer.

Mammography Q & As

For more details about mammography, please visit Mammography Q&As.

It Matters That You Are Screened Early & Often

Women whose breast cancer is detected at an early stage have a 93 percent or higher survival rate. It’s imperative that all women get yearly mammograms to ensure the earliest possible detection for breast cancer. Watch this 30-second video to learn more.


Center of Excellence 9

The Carol Milgard Breast Center is fully accredited in mammography by the American College of Radiology (ACR). The ACR only grants the gold seal of accreditation when a breast center provides patients the highest level of image quality and patient safety.

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