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Debate Surrounding BMJ Article on Breast Cancer Screening Effectiveness

A Canadian study published earlier this week in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) has made serious claims about the effectiveness of breast cancer screenings. In response to the BMJ article (Miller et al), the American College of Radiology (ACR) and Society for Breast Imaging (SBI) have made a joint statement claiming this study is “an incredibly misleading analysis based on the deeply flawed and widely discredited Canadian National Breast Screening Study.”

As mammographers, we commonly agree with positions provided by the ACR and SBI as they relate to screening mammography guidelines and usefulness. Nevertheless, with the national debate surrounding this story, the Carol Milgard Breast Center is currently reviewing the study closely and will publish our own position statement in the near future. Until that time, we direct you to position statements from organizations we trust:

Position statement – Society of Breast Imaging

The Carol Milgard Breast Center continues to agree with the American Cancer Society, American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, American College of Radiology, National Accreditation Program for Breast Cancers and the Society of Breast Imaging in recommending that women start to get annual mammograms beginning at age 40.
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